5 Ideas to make the VR Cycling “THE TRIP” more exciting
I’ve tried the VR CYCLE “The TRIP” in CYCLE & STUDIO R Shibuya by Les Mills. The impressions I had was actually rather positive than I expected but had few thoughts to make it even better.

Optimize the individual effectiveness
We had about 20 member in the same session and basically we all watch and hear the same “THE TRIP 7” contents. However I was wondering it could be amazing if;
- the music’s bpm adjust to the cycling speed indivisually, using the wireless earphones.
- the pedal pressure (or whatever it is called) changing from light to heavy manually should be done automatically for we do not know the ideal range. If this “THE TRIP” system tracks each runner’s data every time the adequate pressure can be then pre set to design the best atmosphere for each runner.

To keep up the motivation to finish
For a beginner, to be honest, I got bored with the visual contents after the first 15 minutes. What comes next is only the tiredness and the pain to make you wanna give up. So like all other racing games, we can;
- Show how far you have made and feel how little the end of each session is.
- Show in digits the length of the course finished or how much you have pedalled so far. This may lead to setting the next goal in the next session.
- In the racing zone we certainly want large crowd cheering us up. It reminded me of the “Star Wars Episode I: Racer” on Nintendo 64 back in the day.

Other few thoughts
This experience made me think that all exercise will be like this in the future by controlling man’s 5 senses including the gravity. If for example this VR Cycle had a big fan in front to create wind like all other VR machines, water sprinkler on the roof to feel water on the seaside tracks or raining situations, device that serves smell to experience the real muddy caves or maybe fumes in the urban roads.
The film “Elysium” is something that describes what was imagining throughout the session. There might be a human made gym that people can not identify if it is a reality or a virtual world.

I am rather looking forward to have the MR technology in practice using google glass looking device, to enjoy cycling in the real world, but has some kind of a scoring system and measuring your exercise progress.
Yet VR cycling was an interesting idea for sure. I believe it is going to evolve faster in population packed limited area like Tokyo or Hong Kong.