Sometimes I get lost and cant see whats coming ahead of me. There is a time when I become pessimistic and see the part (not all, part) of this world fucked up that I can’t bother. But I gotta maintain my life to a certain standard which is the damn fuckin reason preventing me from abandoning all the shit. n Im realizing that this is why Im wondering in this jungle. Tokyo.


In this city, I see so many cool things, meet clever people, hear awesome new ideas, astonishing cultures and values around me. Why Im struggling is that I cant be or create the one myself. Although Ive never failed in my life suggesting something new, which nobody at least around me will not think of and moreover actually carrying out the plan, the question is, how do they make a living out of em?? Ive ask so many people but still dont understand how.

People say its the time for a new paradigm shift and the end of the old money economy. The latest science technology is no longer a top news and the social network communication trends making human lifestyle completely different compared to the world 5 years ago. So is this just a fantasy daydream people try to believe as the truth, or is this the actual reality happening in this world??

Im trying to make clear whats real and whats fake, whats the future and whats now a legacy.


3 thoughts on “

  1. I think Tokyo had two, filled with talented creative ideas and people that are acknowledged around the world. The other is stuck on old systems where not many companies can calculate or predict the benefits in changing them. They cannot measure out profits on any other terms other than cost benefit.
    As long as these big decision makers do not make an initial shift in their mindset, this city can’t change. At the moment the government, educators,and the media knows this capitalist way of running things is not working. We’ve grown up with adults struggling to predict profits and make profit margins, making the most out of the little we have.
    Today we have a lot of things. So making a living does not mean making the largest most profitable system. If you could convince the decision makers with their generic systems that your ideas are stable and create benefits in the long run… That would really help make this city more enlighting.

    1. Ayumi thanks for your comment.そして久しぶり!
      I understand what you have stated, or rather its exactly what I was thinking about. Two sides of Tokyo…maybe its more like two sides in this entire country.
      I agree that the key point is whether we can convince the decision makers or not, but I believe its a fundamental human behavior try to stick with one’s past success. So I really feel that this is the most difficult part, telling them their method is too old. 気合い・根性・礼儀 is not what makes money.

      1. 久しぶりー Yeah, I was reading the other parts of your blog later on and I was like, waaiiit, you’ve already said what I just commented(笑)Sorry about that. I’m glad to know there’s other people who like to think outside the box. And your right, exactly, I think we need to understand, accept, and respect those who are IN the box first. Then, figuring out a method that is easy for them to relate to.
        Sometimes I think just f*ck this shiat I’m leaving Japan too, but living in the midst of this revolution should be exciting as well. Don’t give up quite yet!


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